Other Initiatives

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

We would support plans to make the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama an independent institution, to bring its funding up to UK Conservatoire levels, and to extend its work by adding dance to its current provision. In the process it must fully reflect the diverse and bilingual cultural life of Wales.

Music Development

In the past there have been several schemes to encourage participation by young people in music. They have tended to be short-lived initiatives that have withered on the vine. We would ensure that musical participation of all kinds is permanently embedded as a provision available to all our young people across the nation.

Festival of Wales

We would organise a year-long nationwide Festival of Wales in 2023.

Arts and the Welsh language

We would promote an increase in Welsh medium arts production and activity and the development of career pathways in the arts in the Welsh language.

Film Fund Cymru

We would replace the current Welsh Government’s failed and wasteful Media Investment Fund with a new fund to invest in Welsh film content, based on the recommendations of the Senedd’s Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee in this area. Our priority will be supporting our indigenous sector in the telling of original Welsh stories and exploiting partnerships and commercial opportunities to sell those to the world.


We would prepare a bid for Wales to take part as a nation in its own right in the internationally renowned Eurovision song contest.

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