
We would promote sporting participation at all levels and for all ages across Wales, working with sports’ governing bodies, schools, community groups, voluntary organisations, and youth workers.

We would further develop our Inspire Wales programme to promote sports participation in Wales, following the example of Local Sports Partnerships in the Republic of Ireland.

We would encourage increased participation amongst the young – and especially amongst teenage girls and other underrepresented groups – by encouraging public broadcasters to devote a greater percentage of broadcast time to women’s sport, especially coverage of our national women’s rugby and soccer teams.

We would investigate the potential for an Olympic size swimming pool to serve north Wales. At present talented swimmers from the north who are picked to represent Wales have to travel to Manchester, Liverpool, Swansea, or Cardiff to train.

Sports events

We would bid to bring the Tour de France to Wales, for both men and women, and work with sports associations and the tourist industry to identify other opportunities for Wales to act as host for other international events.

We would develop a bid to host the Commonwealth Games in Wales in 2030 or 2034.

Celebrating sporting success

We support the development of the Welsh football museum in Wrexham, where the Football Association of Wales was founded, to showcase the story of football in Wales. We will also support proposals the establishment of a Wales Cricket Board which could progressively enter into all the various cricket formats.

Sport and the Welsh language

As a bilingual nation, it is important that all our governing bodies and organisations reflect both of our national languages. We will expect them to develop appropriate training courses and marketing information in both Welsh and English. As part of our commitment to create 1,000 new Welsh language spaces, we will incentivise Welsh language sports clubs.

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