After the pandemic, we have to put economic recovery front and centre of everything we do. 

1. Deliver a Green Industrial revolution

Climate change presents the next global emergency – we are already seeing its effects in extreme weather events, flooding, and increasing record breaking temperatures. Wales has declared a climate emergency and we know we’re reaching several climate tipping points.

We believe we need to act now, and we need to act radically.

Plaid Cymru wants a Green Industrial Revolution for Wales. We will become a testbed for global innovation on climate change, and this will help us achieve a net zero carbon target by 2035.

 Field of Green Energy Solar Mirror Panels

2. Deliver infrastructure projects

Issues in rail connectivity and efficiency as well as digital connectivity have been apparent for years, and the pandemic has only shed more light on the pressing need to improve them.

With many of us working from home a reliable internet connection has been crucial, and the benefits of having fewer cars on our roads and less pollution in our air was felt across many parts of Wales.

We would fire up the Welsh economy after Covid by achieving nationwide Gigabit connection and expanding and modernising the rail network – we will secure reliable and high speed internet connections and make rail transport a legitimate and practical option for thousands more of us.

Speeding Bullet Train

3. Welsh ownership of renewable sector

Building up the renewable sector is another urgent move needed in tackling the climate emergency, but we want to make it work for Wales and work for our communities too.

We will grow Welsh ownership of the renewable sector, ensuring more profit returns to Welsh communities.

We want to become world leaders in green energy, benefitting both the environment and our economy.

A scene depicting renewable energy and green energy with a group of three windmills under a beautiful blue sky in Northern Ireland

4. Create jobs in public services

Our public services, particularly our health service, have been at the forefront of the pandemic. Its staff have been overstretched, overworked, and have gone above and beyond to keep us safe.

Even before the pandemic, health services were pushed to the limit after years of austerity, and waiting times were unacceptably long.

We will create thousands of jobs in our vital public services, including for doctors and nurses to support the vital Covid recovery.

purple and pink heart shaped illustration

5. Use local first procurement approach

We will apply a local first approach to procurement which will ensure businesses in Wales have more opportunities, and boost the foundational economy.

Farmer giving box of veg to customer