Helping People Live Longer, Healthier Lives
Covid-19 has hit poorer communities hardest. Plaid Cymru aims to make Health Equality our goal for a healthier fairer nation, with actions to improve access to care for all. Our local authorities and councillors will:
- Encourage walking and cycling, with accessible paths and networks
- Improve public accessibility to amenities such as parks, and public transport
- Invest in Youth Services and Youth Centres – ensuring they include professionals offering mental health advice and sexual health advice
- Ensure that local government staff have access to occupational health service, leisure and sport facilities – and work with business providers to see how this access can be expanded to employees of SMEs
- Encourage schools to provide children with the opportunity to exercise and learn outdoors as much as possible, while meeting a minimum of two hours’ physical exercise each week
- Promote and facilitate social prescribing - to encourage participation in community activity and exercise