“This is why I’ve developed an education recovery plan for Plaid Cymru” - Siân Gwenllian MS
This article was originally published in Education Wales, Thursday 11 March 2021
This article was originally published in Education Wales, Thursday 11 March 2021
Plaid Cymru calls for private tenants to be given security needed while coronavirus restrictions remain in place
“Poverty is not inevitable – it is a lack of political decision” – Helen Mary Jones MS
Everything Adam Price said in his inspiring speech at Plaid Cymru's Spring Conference, Friday 5 March 2021.
Fairness at heart of policies to counter “moral vacuum of Westminster”
Plaid Cymru has launched its Education Recovery Plan, as it emerged that children in Wales have lost an estimated half a year of learning during the pandemic.
New focus on preventing illness also at heart of Plaid’s Health AND Care service vision
Plaid Cymru call on UK Government to build trust by empowering communities
The Welsh Government have introduced new agricultural pollution regulations. Llyr Gruffydd MS, Plaid Cymru’s Shadow Minister for the Environment and Rural Affairs has tabled a Senedd motion to repeal these regulations, which will be debated and voted upon on Wednesday 3rd March.