Only a circuit breaker can provide a “reset” moment to the rise in Coronavirus cases, Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price has said as he called on the Welsh Government to urgently introduce a “circuit-breaker” to provide time to get the test and trace system “in order.”


The Plaid Cymru Leader added that this should be accompanied alongside a “full reintroduction of the furlough scheme”, a financial rescue package for businesses and practical and financial support for those who will be asked to self-isolate.

Mr Price warned that without action the NHS would soon be “overwhelmed” and that it would be the people of Wales who would pay the price for the Government’s failure to “reset the approach”.

The R rate in Wales is currently estimated to be at 1.37.

Five more people died with coronavirus and 764 have tested positive, according to the latest figures from Public Health Wales published yesterday.

Seventeen areas in Wales have seen local lockdown restrictions put in place, affecting more than two million people.

Health Minister Vaughan Gething said a circuit breaker lockdown was being actively considered for Wales with a decision expected "over the coming few days”.

Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price MS said,

“The current picture in Wales is bleak. The number of cases is rising consistently throughout Wales as more and more patients are being admitted to hospital with the virus.

“Unless we take action our NHS could be overwhelmed and unable to contend with a second wave which may well be worse than the first.

“To that end, the Welsh Government should urgently introduce a ‘circuit-breaker’ to allow time to get their test and trace system in order. This must be accompanied by a full reintroduction of the furlough scheme; sector specific support to enable viable businesses and organisations to survive the next twelve months - as well as a practical and financial support package to help people self-isolate.

“The Government should also consider voluntary central isolation facilities so that people who contract the virus and are worried about infecting family members have a safe space to stay whilst they recover.

“We also need much better public communication from Government to emphasise both the seriousness of the situation and to ensure that the population adheres to the guidance.

“Should the Welsh Government not use this opportunity to reset their approach to the current crisis, it is the people of Wales who will pay the price. The health and well-being of our citizens, particularly the most vulnerable and at risk of the Coronavirus, must come before everything else.