
The development of the new curriculum presents exciting opportunities to transform our education system, it has potential to promote creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Plaid Cymru will ensure that teachers have the time and resources they need to prepare and access professional development to implement the curriculum effectively.

We endorse the role of the new curriculum in fostering greater understanding of mental health and well-being, physical education as a core element, as well as lessons on healthy relationships, citizenship, children’s rights, Welsh identity, and tackling gender stereotypes. The history and stories of Wales in all their diversity, including the histories of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic People, would become a mandatory part of the curriculum, enshrined in law. We would ensure that teachers have the necessary resource materials.

Through our national Gorwelion programme we will invest in learning outside the classroom, this should include adventure learning and extracurricular activities of all kinds, including study visits and school trips, sport, music, and drama.

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