Supporting Staff and Learners

The safety of both learners and staff at our schools is also a priority for Plaid Cymru, and we believe that by investing in both the workforce and the support available for learners, this will create a safer learning environment for all. Bullying, racism and homophobia within our schools – and wider society - must be stamped out.

Reviewing the implementation of the new Curriculum for Wales and the Additional Learning Needs Act is essential, to ensure consistency in terms of the education and support learners receive wherever they are in Wales. This also means providing training and resources to the workforce, to ensure that teachers and teaching assistants are equipped to deliver the changes needed. We will also continue to support capital spending on upgrading and building new schools.

There is no reason why private fee-paying schools should receive additional support from taxpayers. We would scrap private school charitable status and charge VAT on fees and remove the exemption from business rates.

View other Education and Early Years policies