Message from Adam Price

On May 6th Wales will choose a new Welsh Government.

As we emerge from the shadow of Covid-19, this is our chance to choose a new path, a path to a better future that only we ourselves can build, a future of fresh possibilities, new energy and hope.

It is my sincere belief that in this election, Plaid Cymru is presenting the most radically ambitious and transformational programme offered by any party in any Welsh election since 1945.

It looks forward to the confident, successful Wales that we can become – an equal nation and a nation of equals – and it sets out the practical, deliverable and fully costed policies that we can put to work to bring about that new nation.

It speaks of and to a country that has come of age, whose next chapter will be fairer, greener, and more prosperous than the decades of disappointment that came before it.

This manifesto sets out our ideas and our vision to create that brighter future, together, under the fresh leadership of a Plaid Cymru Welsh Government.

Now is our opportunity to create that new future. We will give every child in Wales the best start in life. We will deliver a plan for the whole country to prosper – creating thousands of quality jobs in every part of Wales. We will make household budgets go further through a fairer deal for families, workers and small business. We will learn the lessons of the pandemic, by delivering a seamless national health and care service and we will face up to the climate and biodiversity crisis by taking the radical action the moment requires of us. We will end child hunger, fuel poverty and homelessness within five years. And pledge ourselves to building a nation that delivers the opportunity of a decent life for all.

This Spring is our historic opportunity for us to decide to become the authors of that brighter future ourselves.

For the first time ever in a Senedd election the people of Wales will be able to vote to take their own future into their own hands. We believe independence to be the only sure and sustainable means to achieving social and economic progress. So a Plaid Cymru Government will empower the people of Wales to decide the future of our nation in an independence referendum.

But the work of building tomorrow’s Wales starts today. As your First Minister, I will operate on the premise that there is no problem in Wales that Wales cannot solve. I will use all my energy and every lever at my disposal to realise the collective potential of our nation and to bring opportunity and prosperity to the whole of Wales.

Growing up in the Amman Valley, the son of a Welsh miner and an English mother, I saw rural Wales to the west and industrial Wales to the east. I realised that ultimately what unites us as a nation, Welsh-speaking and non-Welsh Speaking, urban and rural, north, south, east and west, is far more important, far more enduring than anything that divides us.

I will be a First Minister for the whole of Wales and for everyone in Wales, for Wales today and Wales tomorrow, a nation determined to realise its potential so that everyone within it can realise theirs.

The future can be better than the past, if we resolve to create it.

So let us face the future together and take this first step on May 6th.

Vote for Wales. Pleidleisiwch o blaid Cymru.

Adam Price